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Writer's pictureSture Edvardsen

Are YOU going to lose out on 46% annual revenue growth?

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Not taking #Digitalisation seriously can actually cost you serious money – 43% annual revenue growth as early as 2023, and even more than that as time goes by. Watch this short video to learn what you can do about it.


Accenture research predicts that, the difference in annual revenue growth between digital leaders and the bottom 25% of companies, will be 46% by 2023, and since this is a trend that started in 2015, the difference in annual revenue growth will continue to increase beyond that.

So, the question to you is: How much annual revenue growth will your company potentially be losing as time goes by?

Another question: How digitally up to speed are your business right now – really? Because, that’s what’s going to decide where your business will be. That, and what you’re planning to do about it

Becoming digitally up to speed comes down to two things: Digitalisation, and Digital marketing.

Digitalisation, because that’s the process you need to go through to find out how to use digital technologies to change your business model, and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities for your business

Digital marketing, because you need to start improving your business’ digital competitiveness right away.

Becoming a digital leader isn’t done overnight, but becoming one should absolutely be your goal.

Because, by working to become a digital leader, a bottom 25% company can avoid losing out on a significant amount of annual revenue growth.



I have a question for you …

Accenture research predicts that, the difference in annual revenue growth between digital leaders and the bottom 25% of companies, will be 46% by 2023.

And since this is a trend that started in 2015, the difference in annual revenue growth will continue to increase beyond that – which means even bigger potential loss of annual revenue growth for the bottom 25% of companies as time goes by.

So, the question to you is …

Where will your company be on that scale?

How much annual revenue growth will your company potentially be losing as time goes by?

Which leads to another question …

How digitally up to speed are your business right now – really?

Because, that’s what’s going to decide where your company will be.

That, and what you’re planning to do about it – unless, of course, your business already is a digital leader!

Becoming digitally up to speed comes down to two things – Digitalisation, and Digital marketing

Digitalisation, because that’s the process you need to go through to find out how to use digital technologies to change your business model, and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities for your business

Meaning, how your company needs to change …

Especially the organisation and the way it works – it’s processes and procedures, the company culture, etc., in order to be able to fully utilize digital technologies.

Which is a process that takes time.

Digital marketing, because you need to start improving your business’ digital competitiveness right away.

Meaning, improving your existing digital assets – your funnels, your landing pages, your squeeze pages, your content, your social media, your SEO, your ads, etc.,

Or, if you don’t have any digital assets, start creating them, testing them, and making them work.

Now, becoming a digital leader isn’t done overnight.

But, becoming one should absolutely be your goal because, by working to become a digital leader a bottom 25% company can avoid losing out on a significant amount of annual revenue growth.

And even if it takes time, even if it seems hard, even if the progress is slow, always remember that ...

A 42% loss of annual revenue growth is still better than a 46% loss,

A 38% loss of annual revenue growth is even better than a 42% loss,

And so on …

You get the drift.


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